Furnitures / ProductsInside the box is an individual working station designed around ergonomics, the furniture can be customized in different colors and patterns. The product is embedded with all necessary items to make your working days most convenient . Including USB ports, reading and mood light, movable table for laptop, drink holder and extendable leg rest.
The project is currently in the Technical Design Stage and we are looking for investors.
Each development stage:
Concept Development – 100% Completion
Embodiment Design – 80% Completion
Prototype Development – 0% Completion
Production Development – 0% Completion
Call +46-76-456-70 14 or email to contact us for more info.
For Investors:
The project is currently under development and we are in the process of evaluation properly. The Shelldom furniture project, is now accepting proposals from investors regarding a partnership to collaborate with the development of the project and together plan the future production, retail, and distribution of the product.