Furnitures / Products

The Unique Sofa Carped designed for you to enjoy seating on different positions. Creating a playful environment for your living areas or kid rooms.

Are you ready to try a new seating experience?

Lumumba is made of 3 different sustainable material and the surface finish is up to you to select.

 Are you ready to customize your new sofa.



For Investors & Retailers :

The project is currently under development and we are in the process of  technical evaluation.  Lumumba now accepting proposals from investors regarding a partnership to collaborate with the development of the project and together plan the future production, retail, and distribution of the product.

Each development stage:

  • Concept Development – 100% Completion

  • Embodiment Design – 100% Completion

  • Prototype Development – 70% Completion  (In Process)

  • Production Development – 0% Completion



Created with Visual Composer